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What does PLBC stand for?
When was PLBC founded?
Does PLBC work with brokers from all states?
What is professional liability insurance?
What areas does PLBC specialize in?
Why should I purchase professional liability coverage?
Why should I use PLBC to obtain my professional liability insurance?
What is the difference between a policy written on an occurrence basis versus a claims made basis?
How does a "claims made" policy work?
What is a Retroactive Date?
What is an Extended Reporting Period?
What is a "duty to defend" policy?
Does the insurance company need my consent to settle a claim?
Are my independent contractors covered?
Does a separate limit apply to my corporation?
Can we add other companies to my policy as an additional insured?
Does the Producers Agreement require a commitment to produce a certain annual premium volume?
How do we bind coverage?
Do we need to sign a Producers Agreement?
Does PLBC represent several companies or just one?
Does PLBC have underwriting authority?
Can PLBC file the surplus lines taxes for us?
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